So much to catch up on already! We lazed through our second week spending most of the time holding baby and catching up on bad TV. In week 3 our cord finally fell off and we got our first bath, we saw the doctor for a clogged tear duct and Aunt Amy came to visit. It was lovely. We got to celebrate her recent divorce and spend some quality sister time together. She helped us navigate our first bottle and Blaine gave me the evening out with the girls. I had no idea how much I missed scotch!
We had a wonderful time - well at least for most of us did. Blaine got sick the second day, in fact the evening that Amy left was one of the most terrifying nights of my life. I had to call some friends over at about midnight to take Blaine into the E.R. I don't know why these thing only happen in the dead of night, but he had gotten dehydrated to the point of shuddering in delirium. By the time he made it to the hospital his B.P. had dipped to 60/40 and they had to admit him and keep him for another two days to get him back to normal. I was so scared for him. When he did come home he still couldn't touch the baby for a while so I got a glimpse of what it might be like to juggle the little one all on my own. I can't imagine it. My heart goes out to single Moms everywhere.
Once Blaine was on the mend though we got to celebrate Wyatt's 1 month milestone with a trip out to the park for fencing practice then Chinese dinner with friends.
Next came mother's day and the sudden realization that my name is now "Mom" for the rest of my life... WEIRD! We spent a lovely afternoon with a houseful of friends for what was dubbed "Babies, Beer & BBQ" it was wonderful. At one point my friends were playing music as I sat in my rocker nursing, it made me so happy I cried a little. I love my house, my friends, my life. All is well.
Baby Stuff:
He coos now, it's so fun to hear the new noises he makes daily.
Gettin' wiggly! Managed to roll from his back to his side on his own.
Working on sleeping through the night, we are up to 5-6 hour stretches now.
Firsts: Bath, Bottle, Fencing Practice, Dinner out, BBQ

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