Another month has slipped by and so much has happened it's hard to know where to begin.
First of all... the boy continues to grow before out eyes. All of a sudden we turned around and realized he had sprouted EARS! Check these out!

He continues to be a pretty mellow little guy and is still fairly content to get packed up join us on our adventures. Wyatt has joined us at the pub to cheer on fighters in the UFC fight, helped us host our second lantern party successful lantern party, entertain out of town guests, explore ghost-towns in Pawnee, camp out for a week of costumes and fencing tournaments, picnic at the lake, and frolic at numerous backyard BBQs. All that and it's only July!
He's just over three months old now and is really beginning to get more active. He discovered his feet over the 4th of July and spent most of the camping trip fascinated with his new found appendages. Son now he's spent the last few weeks trying to figure out just exactly what they can do. He started with stamping his feet on the changing pad, then splashing in the bath and eventually even scooting around on his back. Blaine even woke up from a nap on the floor last week to discover that Wyatt had managed to scoot away inch by inch until he was about 5 feet away under one of the family room chairs happily cooing over his accomplishment.

Oh.. and I'm back at work now, but it's no big deal I live for my evenings and my weekends and they are more wonderful than they have ever been before!