I'm working on photos and the birth story now, but just wanted to get some quick thoughts up for now.
Wyatt Gray Loder was born April 5th 2011 at 5:11am - something about that must be lucky.
7lb 9oz 19in long - flawless skin with a dash of dark brown hair.
Born with his eyes wide open and cried a little right away then just lay there looking around after he was cleaned and swaddled.
The day he was born was sunny, wild and windy but the second day was calm and grey, and the rain put out the wild fires.
Labor : About 31 hours total... I got a full night's sleep then worked a full 8 hours on the couch Monday with a contraction counter in the corner of my screen the whole time. I know... I'm crazy - I just didn't know if it was the real deal of not.
Delivery : Couldn't have done it without my sister and husband there holding my hands (well technically my feet by the end). Only thing I would have changed is requesting hotter water in the tub and wireless baby monitoring so I didn't have to keep crawling back into bed. Everything was backwards... close contractions in early labor and far apart when it really counted. Took a quadruple dose of pitocin and two hours of pushing to get that kid out, but in the end we succeeded. It was the most insignificant agony I'll ever endure.
Recovery : Hospital was more like a hotel. Beautiful rooms, warm with soft lighting, good food, soft bed - at least for me. Wyatt was content in a clear bassinet between us and for two days the three of us just got cuddled and nursed and stared at each other in that little room.
Homecoming : Disorienting. First time I cried was when Blaine walked in front of me down the hall carrying the baby seat in one arm and a diaper bag over the other. He's a Dad now, and a wonderful one at that - it was overwhelming. Spent two days in a daze rearranging furniture and setting up the place to work for us. Wyatt made it easy, just sleeping quiet and content anywhere we set him and eating like a champ.
Breastfeeding : Sucks... literally in every way. Turns out you can do it all correct and it still hurts to feed him. Also hurts more not to. Can't figure out why nature didn't set this up to be more enjoyable it if it's so important. I've ended up with special order boobs and still on a mission to try and find bras to keep the ladies from stretching down to my toes. My pump is my best friend. Wyatt is better at this than me. On a brilliantly regular schedule already and willing to sleep through the night if I let him.
Sleep : Lucky so far. Wyatt likes to sleep even more than he likes to eat. Blaine is here and he's brilliant. We tag team everything from 'advanced' diapers to the four handed breast latch. It's amazing - I'm so lucky, don't know what I'd do without him. Sometimes he'll take all the 'gas laps' and diaper changes and let me nap, only waking me in bed with boppy and baby in hand so I can nurse and go back to sleep. Getting more rest now then I did while 9 months pregnant and working... so it's all relative.
Lifestyle : We've had visitors everyday. Our circle of friends here is close like a family and the 'petting zoo' has been open since we got home. It's wonderful. I like to hand off the baby and watch him charm everyone while we take a break and talk about something other than the consistency of poo. Been to the park twice to walk around the lake. I'm feeling great and so thankful I was able to avoid cesarian. Lost 25 pounds already (still another 30 to go :P) and I forgot how lovely it is to touch my toes, crack my back and walk two miles with ease. I LOVE not being pregnant.
Love : It's wonderful. Is it possible to be this happy? Even my pets seem to be affected by some sort of pheremonal high. I love my baby, my husband, my friends, my house, my dog, even my crappy cat. This is the best vacation I've ever been on and I'm so glad I get to share it with my son.
.. more later.. nap time now.
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