I'm not sure how many of you are up to speed on your maternity literature, but there is often a tendency to equate fetal progress with the produce department. We've been through seeds, blueberries, raisins, beans, grapes, lemons, oranges, tomatoes and have now reached the honorable mango stage. Only this time they add all sorts of unpleasant details and describe it more accurately as a fuzzy mango covered in thick layer of greasy butter. YUM!
Despite the less than appetizing fruit reference, we are starting to get pretty excited. The fear and surreal disbelief are melting away and being replaced with full blown giddiness. Now that I can feel the little one squirming and stretching in there, it all seems much more real and possible.
Next week is the ultrasound which should tell us if we're expecting a boy or a girl, as long a baby isn't shy that is. So, the fun begins with the guessing game. I don't think either of us have a very strong preference, but it's like the super bowl and it just isn't any fun unless you pick sides and root for one team or the other, so right now, we both are guessing boy... but we'll see!
We pulled a wishbone last week and I won this time, fair and square! It will be a battle now between intuition which says boy and superstition which should grant me a girl, either way we can't wait :)