(week 10)
I have to apologize, I had every intention of posting weekly updates here. Just like I thought I'd have the baby book finished and be spending my entire maternity leave frolicking in the park with other new mommies. My return to work is now just 14 short days away and I'm beginning to get a bit worked up about it. I'm a little sad I wasted my time lounging on the couch for weeks on end, but when I remind myself that I was cuddling my new babe most of that time it doesn't seem quite so lame.

Wyatt doesn't seem to mind though. He's just concentrating on growing and figuring out how to chew on his fists without punching himself in the face. It's so fun to see him change. I swear he just sprouted big ears yesterday as if he reached up and tugged on them so hard they just ended up sticking out afterwards.

We made it through my birthday, our second annual solstice party and our first father's day. Now just our anniversary, the big camping trip at Battlemoore and a few fireworks to go. It's much easier to head back though knowing that Blaine will be the one taking care of Wyatt during the days. I'm sure it's not going to be easy for either one of them at first, but I couldn't be happier with the way everything has turned out.