Friday, March 11, 2011

Zoom Zoom

(Weeks 34-36)

Sorry for the lack of postings these last few weeks, apparently being a grown-up means being busy! I have no idea what happened to the last 3 weeks!

Where do I start...

These days everyone watching me waddle around with my silly little limp and fixed grimace seem quick to sympathize and offer words of encouragement like "not long now" or "almost there".
I always get the same questions in the elevator...
"How are you feeling?" "When are you due again?" "Are you sleeping alright."

I've learned not to answer these honestly and started making a game out of how to respond. Often I just smile with a weary frozen grin that says... "I'll spare you the details" but other times it's more just fun to be sarcastic like "Why do you ask? Damn... I knew this dress made me look pregnant!" or "I've still got more than 8 months to go - my Doctor thinks I might set a record".

The truth is I'm still doing as well as can be expected and I'm lucky enough to be sleeping fine. The toughest thing (besides dragging myself out of bed for my third pee of the night) has been work. I got saddled with a double load when a coworker left on medical leave and have been stuck working long hours ever since. It's draining and has left little time for fun things like blogging or practical things like laundry or taxes... but the blessing is it is making this time pass quickly.

In the past three weeks I've managed to assemble 2 strollers, a bookshelf, and convertible chair. I've also called in the troops and gotten help fixing the electrical issues, painting the nursery (green & orange), as well as generally cleaning house and organizing to make as much space as possible.

It's been a whirlwind!