Here's a funny one from last night, think it has to do with having several house guests all weekend.
I was at some event in a very large building and heading to the bathroom. There is only one small room. I get there just behind Kevin Costner. After standing there about 20mins I give up on waiting and head off to find the next bath room. Every one I go to is occupied with a long line of people waiting to get in. Hours later I'm desperate. I head to the porta-jon outside in the far courtyard. It's a long hike and I have to tip-toe at this point. It's empty!!! But just before I get there Kevin Costner comes running up again and jumps in front of me to open the door and use it himself.
I don't think so! I lean down and pull his ankles out from under him (like that's a simple solution to this type of encounter). He falls backwards, knocks his head on the ground and passes out.
Woke up very satisfied with myself and giggling, but couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough!