Apparently I'm not crazy!
Or... well... at least I seem to be pretty in tune with my body.
I ran in to show my husband. He was groggily happy but still asleep and refused to get up and show the enthusiasm I felt the moment demanded.
I called my mom instead.
I told her my dream about the rooms. Her interpretation was that I was a frustrated artist. Then I told her what the other folks had said an ended with that statement. "It turns out my friend was right - I'M PREGNANT".
She was appropriately excited :) ... then she gave me 24 hours before she spilled the beans to my sisters and my grandmother.
I hadn't really counted on that, but I guess I should have seen it coming. We hadn't really discussed if we were going to tell anyone.
Oh well, it's not like I'd be able to keep my mouth shut anyway.
Called my doctor next, they scheduled my first appointment to be in a few weeks. I was surprised, I had assumed they would want me to come in right away and confirm, but apparently that's not how it works. They set up an ultrasound for when I would be about 8 weeks. I didn't expect they'd do one that early. Strange.
Apparently "what I don't know about pregnancy, it a lot".
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