Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Failed... try again.

I stink at blogging, especially just about my kid. I feel like my life has become such a predictable routine it's boring. To me, to my family & especially the world at large. I've decided to get back to the basics and just use this as a general online diary of sorts. To share private thoughts in a public setting. So here goes : Confession #1 : Binder Clips I can't quite express my unnatural affection for these fabulous gems of the office supply realm. For some reason I collect them - at work - at home - in my car - even in my purse(s - all of them). It's as if I could be stranded on a desert island and somehow be able to fashion a pocket knife and a short wave radio out of nothing but a humble binder clip. I can always count on finding one in the pocket of my winter coat or in that little zipper pouch in my backpacks or my luggage. I've just never been able to bring myself to throw one away. The smaller and less practical the better, especially if they come in some fancy color. These precious hot pink, metallic silver or paisley beauties are reserved for my special collection. Like a ten year old boy treasuring his prized shooter marbles my colored binder clips are stashed in special places... too precious to use. They make me happy every time I find a reason to use one - and I find plenty. They close my chips, hang my calendar, prop on desks to display photos, mark my place in books & magazines, work as a money clip in a pinch and yes... organize stacks and STACKS of papers. When I get to use a paperclip at work it always makes me happy, like I'm wrapping something in a bow or placing a mint on the pillow. My binder clips mean this is organized, this is done, this is correct. They are my wax seal, my stamp of approval, my cherry on top.

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