Today is that day. We are halfway to becoming parents which means 5 months left to sleep in, read books, go out to movies, go out dancing and what.. what else do we need to do before we miss it because we can't?
It's hard to imagine I've still got 5 months left and it just gets harder from here.
It's scary to think we only have 5 months left to get everything ready.
It's too close and too far all at the same time.
Luckily on the day of this torturous cross roads, a wonderful distraction has presented itself in order to keep me from pondering the good and the bad for too long.
We had our ultrasound this morning and confirmed that intuition has won out... it's a boy! It's so exciting to know and really start to imagine what this new little person is going to be like.

Last night I dreamed of drawing this announcement on my board at work, so that's the first thing I did when I got in this morning! Kept me grinning ear to ear all day long! Pictures and such coming soon.
Woot! Can't wait to meet your boy!!! Congrats!