I've felt subtle squirming sensations since about 12 weeks, but nothing too noticeable and I couldn't quite be certain it was baby moving and not just digestion. About three weeks ago it started to be pretty obvious the feelings were something new. It catches me by surprise usually about a half hour after eating.
Blaine has been pretty jealous of this and can't wait to feel it himself. He lays his hand on my belly and leans in close to talk to him and make him stir. No luck until just a few days ago when he felt the little kicks for the first time.
Blaine's absolutely ecstatic, but I'm starting to regret rushing these milestones. It's like that moment somehow transformed the bean into the lord of the dance and now the little guy is preforming a tap dance routine on my bladder every 40mins or so.
Something tells me these little numbers just get more frequent and uncomfortable from here.
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