Really REALLY... NECK ZITS - that wasn't mentioned in the damn book!
Aside from developing acne that's worse than I ever remember having as a teenager; all is well. I finally found some energy this week and managed to clean up my house for the first time in months. Found all sorts of important things I was missing!
Got a weird dream fragment to share this week, it was another action flick but this time a recognized part of the plot from an episode of law and order.
I was exploring this abandoned factory building on a geocache hunt, finding the hidden prizes by GPS location and replacing them with my own trinkets. Suddenly I get the feeling someone is chasing me. I start racing through the place to find the exit and I realize my dog is with me. We run out onto the street and across this muddy construction site then pause to catch our breath when *POP POP*. Bullets whiz by into the dirt.
I look up and see a creepy guy shooting at us from a balcony of the factory. I start dashing for cover and frantically call my dog to follow. I dive behind this long red shape lying on the ground. Once I get behind it I realize it's actually a canoe (because every one stores extra canoes at industrial construction sites). I pull up the edge and crawl under coaxing my dog to crawl up on my chest so I can fit us both 'safely' inside. Then as I'm lying there with a 20lb boston terrier panting in my face, I begin to realize that an inch of fiberglass really isn't going to be any protection against a bullet. Suddenly my brilliant hiding spot seems a bit more like a convenient coffin.
*then I wake up*
On a lighter note... I'm working out the logistics of what I hope will turn out to be a really cool belly progression shot. Trick is trying to find something I'm comfortable showing my belly in that will actually fit for the whole adventure.
Here's a result from the first test: